Spring is practically here, which means it is time to take stock of your home’s exterior. This process should start with a good inspection of your roof. However, before you get going, you should take a look at these five safety tips for cleaning your Denver roof.
1. Use a Sturdy Ladder
When you want to clean your roof, you have to find a way up there. Get out your ladder and test it on a portion of your home. Even if you kept your ladder safely on hooks in your garage all winter, something could go wrong. Put your weight on lower rungs of the ladder to test it. If the ladder has an extension, make sure that the components have not rusted and that they do not collapse randomly.
2. Stay on Dry Areas
Just like you do not want to paint yourself into a corner of a room, you want to avoid making the entire roof wet. Wet roof shingles are a major slipping hazard. Create a plan of attack for spraying so that you always ensure that you have a safe way to get back to your ladder. This may involve spreading out the cleaning process over a weekend, so you can give one side time to dry off before you get the other side wet.
3. Clean the Roof in Sections
Deciding how to clean your roof is more than just picking a side, however. Revisit the best way you could paint a room. You start in the farthest corner and work your way toward your best way out. Before you climb up, decide which portion of the roof you want to start with. Place the ladder not in that section, but in a nearby section. That way, you can fully clean one portion of the roof, without having to finish it perched on your ladder.
4. Wear Proper Boots
No matter how much you want to wear your sandals in the warm weather, this is a job for good boots. Pay attention to the traction you have on your selected shoes. They should have non-skid soles and be in good repair. The shoes should also fit well and be comfortable on your feet. This reduces the likelihood that you will trip or slip on the roofing.
5. Use Protective Gloves and Eyewear
As you clean, you want to avoid splashing your eyes or hurting your hands. If you are using chemical cleansers or even just mucking through stagnant water, wearing goggles will help prevent damage to your face from splashback. With heavy-duty rubber gloves, you can reach into your gutters without worrying about cutting yourself or putting yourself at risk for rodent bites.
These roof cleaning safety tips are designed to help you maintain your Denver home effectively and efficiently. Take care of your home and it will take care of you!
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